Thursday, December 2, 2010


What is Disneyization?

Disneyization is the process by which the principle of the Disney theme parks are coming to dominate more and more sectors of the American society as well as the rest of the world.

There are 4 different dimensions of Disneyization mainly the:

Theming – clothing institutions or objects in a narrative that is largely unrelated to the institution or object to which it is applied, such as a casino or restaurant with a Wild West narrative

Hybrid Consumption – a general trend whereby the forms of consumption associated with different institutional spheres become interlocked with each other and increasingly difficult to distinguish

Merchandising – the promotion and sale of goods in the form of or bearing copyright images and/or logos, including such products made under licence

Performative labour – the growing tendency for frontline service work to be viewed as a performance, especially one in which the deliberate display of a certain mood is seen as part of the labour involved in service work