Friday, December 10, 2010

Bali's Introduction

Bali is one of the 13, 000 islands found in the Indonesian archipelago. It occupies less than 0.3 per cent of Indonesia yet sees the highest number of foreign tourists. Bali can be said to be more reknown in the world instead of Indonesia.
Bali became famous as a tourist destination and it took up the name cultural tourism to promote itself. Bali is well known for its resilience against other foreign invasions and influences. When there was a huge wave of Islamization sweeping through the rest of the Indonesian archipelao and neighbouring countries, Bali remained firm to its roots of Hinduism.
Bali has very fertile land and thus, agriculture was its main form of survival for over a thousand years. However, Bali's population increased tremendously from less than one million to almost 4 million in the 20th century.
With globalization and urbanization taking place in almost the entire world, the government has tried to take precautionary measures to ensure that globalization and tourism does not damage the cultural reputation of Bali.