Monday, November 29, 2010

Tourism as the culprit

Is tourism the culprit for commodifying cultures and traditions in Bali?

If I were to state a stand, then YES, I would agree that tourism is the culprit for commodifying the cultures and traditions in Bali.

According to the accusations made against 'cultural commoditization' (Greenwood, 1989), it talks about the following issues:

1) The cultural heritage of Bali becoming a commodity which is catered specially to tourists
2) the touristification of authentic Balinese traditions, which are packaged to cater to tourists' expectations
3) the profanation of traditional ceremonies, which have become tourist acts
4) loss of meaning of culture to the Balinese

As stated from the socio-cultural impacts, tourism has led to many different forms of interpretation of their culture. A simple dance can be transformed into a complicated non-authentic dance just to suit the taste and preference of the tourists.
There is also the commercialization of the artistic works in Bali especially in Ubud, where most of the artistic talents come from. Traditions and festivals of Bali have been viewed as touristification due to the fact that they have been modified and not presented originally anymore.